As always Sven was unsure of the attire for the occasion. He thought it was return of the naked ride. He still vaguely resembled a Zombie.
Clare and Laura are usually looking to eat something. Brains were on the menu last night.
Something about Rosanna's costume that looked quite normal. Can't quite put my finger on it.
Tony had the costume of the night. Not sure what he was. Perhaps man on the loose with a bag of stolen makeup.
This was the high point of the evening. Touching...
Ghost bikes should be recognized by the Federal and Local Governments. That's just how I feel.
On a lighter note. This unlucky young fellow, had the misfortune of having his crank fall off. So much for new bikes being problem free.
Fortunately Bean happened to be chewing on a couple of crank bolts. I've seen her eat those fuckers. Now all is well with that Schwinn Madison.
There was at least 1 Hipster Hanging, that took place.
Looking at Brittany in this wig reminds me that the aFro was, and still is, a cool hairstyle.
Then again...forget what I just said.
Dear God...