Monday, August 17, 2009

Love and Bicycles

As usual, when I'm having a conversation with Sven. We become engrossed in some pretty wild conversations. Just this morning while sitting at Lovely Bake Shop, here in Bikeville, I asked him how his recent romance was going. He mumbled something about, a whirlwind, love, a balancing act, and trying not to go nuts. I believe the phrase was, "a pyschotic break from reality" I said, I guess that's why for the most part, I don't bother with romance. It's just too much work.

“Love is not only something you feel.
It is something you do.”

David Wilkerson

I agree with Mr. Wilkerson, love is certainly something you do. Whereas that alleged, feeling you get, isn't necessarily love. So, Sven Say's to me, " with all due respect Ron, on bicycles I accept your knowledge. On love, he said my opinion was akin to heresy. Geez, that's harsh.

Sven went on to explain this feeling that you get. This newness, these expectations, wanting to go balls out in pleasing another person. At least for the short term. He claims to have done this in most of his previous bouts with love addiction.
Now, I'm no Dear Abby, but I've been involved in enough affairs to have some knowledge of love and how it relates to other people.

For sure the one thing I can say is , The feeling you get from a trusted bicycle. The freedom one can derive from riding atop a perfectly, fit and functioning bike, is fucking Divine!
The bikes that I've fallen in love with, have treated me well. Been with me through many seasons, and have transported me to many places. I've had love affairs that were short lived, not so with my affairs of the bicycle kind. Look at what a fucking hot machine this is.

Sexy little beast!

It's name is, Filthy McNasty. Truly a lovely bicycle. Just look at those curves. When I ride it, I get this response from it that say's, You know Ron, we work really well together. Why don't you take me on the town and show me off? I reply with, I love you. You sure do please me. Now that's what an affair should be.
Don't tell me I don't know love. It sure as hell ain't tragic and it ain't a lot work. It's just what you do.

So please, drop me line with pics of your lover. (The steel ones) Show me what gets you off.
I just love erotic photos.

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